GLUCOTEIN™ is a blend containing "resistant starch", made from gluten free, grain free, NON-GMO, Paleo friendly en vegan starch from green bananas and yellow field peas.
This special starch is constructed in such a way that they cannot be degraded by digestion enzymes. Therefore the starch is not included in the digestion in the small intestine of healthy individuals.
However, it can be used in healthy recipes, like bread, biscuits, breaded and thick sauces.
GLUCOTEIN ALSO has excellent characteristics, like:
- Low glycaemic index
- Gluten, rice and corn free
- Create delicious recipes
- It acts as a prebiotic
- Free of genetically modified components
RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: Adults, ¼ measuring cup (1 tablespoon of 30 gr) a day, in addition to nutrition. It is also recommended to blend the starch with a METABOLIC PROTEIN™ shake.
A good option is also to supplement your body with probiotica, such as GOOD FLORA™.